There are 4 types of Triads
Major (1 3 5) or (Major 3rd + minor 3rd)
Augmented (1 3 #5) or (Major 3rd + Major 3rd)
minor (1 b3 5) or (minor 3rd + Major 3rd)
diminished (1 b3 b5) or (minor 3rd + minor 3rd)
These examples are written from D as the root
(It is important to learn these from all rooted pitches i.e. A, Bb, B, C, etc)
D Major = D F# A
D Augmented = D F# A#
d minor = D F A
d diminished = D F Ab
Reordering a triads 3 pitches gives us 3 inversions
D in the bass = “Root position”
F# (Major 3rd) or F (minor 3rd) in the bass = “1st Inversion”
A (Perfect 5th), A# (Augmented 5th) or Ab (flat 5th) in the bass = “2nd Inversion”
Closed voice means the voicing is within an octave
Open voice means the voicing is wider than an octave
(Alternate note choices in parentheses for easier reaches!)
(All examples are printable .PNG files)